Boise Fire Cooled Off By Recent Fires & Beneficial Weather

August 16, 2024:

Overall, things are looking good around the fire today. Over the past 24 hours, crews have continued to make progress, particularly on the north and west sides of the fire where mopping up and securing firelines have been the primary focus. The recent cooler temperatures and higher humidity levels have moderated fire behavior, enabling crews to increase efforts working the south and east sides of the fire.


Today’s weather is anticipated to mirror that of yesterday, with an inversion expected to lift in the early to mid-afternoon. Along with lower temperatures and higher humidity, this pattern should continue to moderate fire behavior. Looking ahead, a wetter system is forecasted to move through the fire area tomorrow, bringing a solid chance of wetting rain. This moisture could further dampen fire activity, though it will be followed by a return to dry and hot conditions.


Overview: August 15th @ 10:30 pm. North is up. White line was Boise Fire’s perimeter approximately 27 hours prior. Orange fill is intense heat. Yellow fill is scattered heat or cooling down. Blue fill shows recent fire footprints.

Looking North over the Red Salmon Complex fire footprint. White line shows the fire perimeter 27 hours prior. Minimal growth as the fire slowly backs and flanks towards the Red Salmon Complex footprint. Appears to be a firing operation in the lower left side of the map where fire has moved out across the top of a small ridge. We assume crews are taking advantage of beneficial conditions to back fire slowly down to the road systems being utilized to contain the fire.

Looking East from Orleans. Not much growth along containment lines. Establishing containment on the Orleans side of the fire looks promising, particularly with the possibility of rain tomorrow.

Looking South over Antenna ridge and the 2013 Butler + 2023 Pearch Fires. Little fingers of growth are noted backing down into the Salmon River drainage.

Looking West over the Nordheimer drainage. Fire continued to back slowly through the Butler Fire footprint, down to Granite Creek and above Nordheimer Creek.

Today’s Lookout Live: