Support The Lookout

If you appreciate the information we deliver and want to help support our ongoing reporting on water, fire and forestry issues, please consider becoming a Lookout supporter.
Donations pay our internet, software, copyediting, guest author, mapmaking, fuel, and video production bills, and allow us to buy footage from independent photojournalists! All monthly or annual supporters get Lookout stickers (mailed once a year, sorry if you were expecting one right away).

You can also support us by buying our hats and mugs, or shirts!

Use the menu, below, to set up a monthly or one-time payment using PayPal.

Recurring Donation

To make a one-time donation, or subscribe at a different level using PayPal, click below.


Donate using a Credit Card

You can also Venmo @Lookout_Media.

DISCLAIMER: The Lookout project is not an Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization. Contributions made directly to us via this site are not tax deductible.

If you’d like to make a tax-deductible donation specifically to fund our coverage of prescribed fire and citizen-led burning, you can support this work through the newly-established Lookout Media Fund at the Terra Fuego Resource Foundation (EIN: 45-4019200). Here is an example of a Terra Fuego/Lookout collaboration.

Mail checks to:
Terra Fuego Resource Foundation
Attn: Lookout Media Fund
3238 Hwy 32 #5
Chico, California, 95973

You can make tax-deductible one-time, monthly, or annual donations to the Lookout Media Fund at Terra Fuego via this PayPal link – be sure to add “Lookout Media Fund” to the note at checkout. If you have other questions about making donations to The Lookout through Terra Fuego, contact Zeke at this link and include “Lookout Fund” in the subject line.

Lookout Wish List

We are bootstrapping a media and land management education company in our spare time, and with a lot of user support.
Here are some items that would help us take The Lookout to the next level: