Reducing Wildfire Fuels in California: A Statewide Picture

In a state as vast as California, there’s no single recipe for land management to reduce the risk of wildfires burning into neighborhoods. In Northern California, vegetation management in many cases involves thinning forests to reduce fuel loads and create fire breaks. In Southern California, the focus is often on managing brush around urban areas, … Read more

The Hughes Fire

Current Situation The Hughes Fire started midday on 1/22/2025 east of Castaic Lake, California. It had grown to 9,000 acres by 6pm, and had spread vigorously to the west, driven by sustained NE winds and very low humidities. The winds are not severe enough to ground firefighting aircraft, and an enormous amount of water and … Read more

Progression of the Palisades Fire

In this Lookout Livestream, we reviewed post-fire satellite imagery from Maxar and fire progression maps from Cal Fire Incident Management Team 2 to describe how the Palisades Fire spread, and the tactics used to contain it. The fire started near Skull Rock and quickly spread across Topanga Canyon Road and Palisades Drive. It advanced to … Read more

Inside The Southern California Firestorms

In this episode of The Lookout Livestream, Zeke Lunder and Michael Steinberg, a current CSUC pyrogeography student/storm chaser/videographer, reviewed mapping and on-scene videos captured by Michael during last week’s Palisades and Eaton Fires in Southern California. Steinberg documented the fire’s rapid spread, highlighting the critical role of embers and wind in igniting homes. He emphasized … Read more

The Fires are Out. Now the Hard Part.

We discussed the Palisades and Eaton Fires in Southern California, noting that both fires are mostly out despite ongoing wild weather. We highlighted the high-severity burn in vegetation-rich areas and the ecological benefits of lower-severity burning in the riparian zones. We talked about how the complex, bureaucratic post-fire cleanup process will roll out, based on … Read more

1/11/2025 Evening Fire Report and Fire Maps 101

Since last night, the Palisades Fire has been quite active on the NE corner, between Topanga and the 405 corridor. Also, there have been active firing operations along the crest of the Santa Monica Mountains between Topanga and San Vicente Mountain Park. Tonight’s Lookout Livestream looks at today’s major events on the Palisades Fire, and … Read more

The Impossibility of Urban Wildfire Mitigation

When homes are densely packed in alignment with the direction of strong fire-season winds, it is nearly almost impossible to cut enough brush to make the homes defensible. Fire burns from house to house, no longer a ‘brush fire’, rather it is referred to as an ‘urban conflagration’ or simply a ‘conflagration’. Wind-driven brush fires … Read more

Evening Fire Report – 1/10/2025

10pm Update – New Fire Spread Toward 405 Freeway and San Fernando Valley After sunset today, the Palisades Fire, influenced by more north-westerly winds, has shifted towards San Fernando Valley and the 405 corridor, with significant activity in Mandeville Canyon. Firing operations were observed to secure control lines, but the fire crossed a retardant line, … Read more

Recent Fire History of Southern California – With Tim Chavez

Destructive Fires Are Not A New Thing in SoCal! We just wrapped up an interview with my longtime friend and colleague, Tim Chavez, about the history of large, damaging Santa Ana wind-driven wildfires in Southern California. Some areas around Malibu have burned 5 times in the past 60 years! A summary of the interview and … Read more

Southern California Fires – Evening Report – 1/9/2025

8pm, 1/9/2025 We just finished our evening livestream. It covers today’s fire activity. Tonight, after covering today’s basic fire action, we did an interview with journalist Susie Cagle about ways communities work together after major disasters. A summary of the fire situation and our interview follows the video, below. Summary Lookout Director Zeke Lunder, a … Read more

LA County Fires – Morning Briefing – 1/9/2025

UPDATE 2pm, 1/9/2025 The Palisades Fire is most active on the northeast corner, in the Mandeville Canyon area. Airtankers are currently running laps on a major ridge to the east of the fire to box it in from pushing farther toward Crestwood Hills, The Getty Museum, and the 405 corridor.   Good morning! Here is … Read more

LA County Fires – 1/8/2025 Evening Update

UPDATED 10:20pm, 1/8/2025 The Palisades and Eaton Fire were both active today. Both fires made major advances last night, and throughout the daylight hours, today, and with the exception of some growth to the north on the Palisades Fire, the fires largely burned out previously unburned areas and consumed structures within their morning footprints. Lookout … Read more

January 2025 Southern California Fires – Day 2

Santa Ana Winds Drive Major Wildfire Growth in Southern California 1/8/2025 – 8am. Two large fires started in Southern California during a strong Santa Ana windstorm on Tuesday, January 7. They are the Palisades Fire and the Eaton Fire. They had burned about 30,000 acres, combined, by Wednesday morning. In this morning’s report (below) I … Read more