Here are updated maps for the #ParkFire, flown about 2am, 7/26/2024. The white line represents about 8 hours of fire growth. Interpretation in the individual photo captions.
Today’s weather forecast is really not great, with high atmospheric instability and strong SSW and SW winds.
We’ll do a livestream tonight, and a quick one here this morning.
Good luck, everyone.
Red Bluff in lower-left, Chico in lower right. Fire has crossed Mill Creek, left of center, and in moving into Dye Creek, (Favinger Place). Park Fire at 2 am, 7/26/2024. White line represents 8 hours of growth.
Some spread on south flank near end of Meridian Road and Lassen Road. Fire was backing downhill toward mouth of Mill Creek. Park Fire at 2 am, 7/26/2024. White line represents 8 hours of growth. Source: FIRIS
No new growth on flank closest to Chico. Fire spread downcanyon on South Rim of Bidwell Park, toward Canyon Oaks. Park Fire at 2 am, 7/26/2024. White line represents 8 hours of growth. Source: FIRIS
Looking over lower Highway 32 and Bidwell Park. Fire was moving downstream toward Frisbee Golf Course. Green in foreground is 2018 Camp Fire. Park Fire at 2 am, 7/26/2024. White line represents 8 hours of growth. Source: FIRIS
Looking over Highway 32, toward West. All of Cohasset Ridge is burned. Fire had not crossed Highway 32 or pushed hard into Forest Ranch at this time. Park Fire at 2 am, 7/26/2024. White line represents 8 hours of growth. Source: FIRIS
Looking SW over Butte Meadows, which is about 8 miles from the NE edge of the fire. Blue in lower left is 2021 Dixie Fire. Park Fire at 2 am, 7/26/2024. White line represents 8 hours of growth. Source: FIRIS
Fire has crossed Mill Creek and spread into Antelope Creek. It was 10 miles from Highway 36 and Inskip Hill. Park Fire at 2 am, 7/26/2024. White line represents 8 hours of growth. Source: FIRIS
Fire is in Antelope Creek, and will run up toward Ponderosa Way, in yellow. Ponderosa Way has traditionally been a place where large fires in the frontcountry get fought, but there is a low likelihood of this fire stopping there due to timing and weather conditions. Park Fire at 2 am, 7/26/2024. White line represents 8 hours of growth. Source: FIRIS White line represents 8 hours of growth. Source: FIRISWeather forecast from an Incident Meteorologist, via the forum.